Telecommunications multinational Angola Cables will be taking part in the 39th edition of the Luanda International Fair (FILDA), from 23 to 28 July. This year, the company will be highlighting its latest solution: SAP Business One, an integrated ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) ecosystem aimed at improving and controlling the management of medium and large companies in Angola.

‘Angola Cables has SAP Business One based on Clouds2Africa, ensuring that all information remains with data stored in Angola, facilitating payments in local currency (Kwanzas) and ensuring that all technical support is provided by Angolan consultants certified by SAP, dedicated to meeting all the specific needs of companies looking for a complete and personalised solution to optimise processes and facilitate decision-making,’ reads the same statement.

For Júlio Chilela, Director of Digital Innovation at Angola Cables, ‘the company not only delivers capacity and international content to Angola, but also offers solutions for medium and large companies. This year, at FILDA, we are demonstrating our commitment to business growth by delivering economical Clouds2Africa and SAP Business One cloud storage solutions, paid for with flexibility, lower investment costs and efficiency in human and operational resources.’

FILDA is the largest multi-sector trade fair on an international scale and stands out for its introduction of new technologies and innovative solutions, and for Angola Cables it is an opportunity to showcase its portfolio of digital services and products such as SAP Business One, Clouds2Africa, Backup2Africa, Host2Africa, among others ‘We are focusing on cloud data storage, data backup and security services for companies. SAP Business One is superbly suited to Angola, as all its customisations and demonstrations are carried out by Angolan teams, eliminating the need for external consultants and reducing costs for companies,’ adds Júlio Chilela.
