How to host a website on Clouds2Africa

In the world of cloud providers, almost everyone knows about the big international ones (Google, AWS, Azure, OCI and others), but today we want to introduce you to Clouds2Africa.

Cloud provider made in angola with several points of presence in various countries, for Angolan companies and organisations that are concerned about data sovereignty, this is the solution.

Feitas as apresentações é hora de por a mão na massa ):

1. Creating the VM

  • To create your VM, access the Clouds2Africa console and in the search field, type instances.
  • Choose ‘Create’ in the header.
  • Fill in all the information requested to create the snapshot and click ‘Finish’:
Details for creating the VM
Overview of the VM created

With the details of the vm, it's time to connect to it, we can access it via the web but I prefer to do it via SSH with the Termius.

Start screen

As good practice dictates and as thosewho came before us said,so let's update the VM's OS with the following commands (ubuntu): sudo apt-get update e apt-get upgrade.

Summary of update and upgrade commands

2. Nginx Installation

  • We're going to use nginx as a web server. To do this, type the command in the vm: sudo apt-get install nginx.
Summary of nginx installation

With the server installed, we can check the status by typing the command: systemctl status nginx

or by inserting the Elastic IP da vm no navegador:

Default nginx screen

Once this is done, it's time to copy our website to the server, we'll use my Github repository, but first we must install git on the vm, with the command: sudo apt-get install gitIf necessary, some updated OSes already have git installed.

2. Cloning the Git repository

Choose the correct nginx cd /var/www/html

root@ac-vm-medium-post:/var/www/html# git clone
Cloning into 'MeuSite'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 533, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (72/72), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (37/37), done.
remote: Total 533 (delta 43), reused 46 (delta 35), pack-reused 461
Receiving objects: 100% (533/533), 3.89 MiB | 2.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (234/234), done.
root@ac-vm-medium-post:/var/www/html# ls
MeuSite index.nginx-debian.html

That's it, your website is now on the server, as we haven't added it to the root, we'll have to call up the address and add /MySite at the end.


You have your website to publicise your brand/company/institution, without your data having to cross the ocean, practically and quickly, not to mention the redundancy and availability that are characteristic of a cloud.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are endless resources and services available from clouds2Africa.

Written by Adilson Camenha